Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bad Blogger

I know it has been a while since I have posted anything. A rundown on what has been happening since I have been home with our precious little bundle. Lauren has been getting along fabulously with everyone. She weighs almost 16 pounds and considering that she only weighed 13 pounds when we got her that is an improvement. She is saying a lot more words since Vietnam. Her favorite is "cat" no matter that it might be a dog. She says doggie, Devin, Daddy, Dada, Dad, Momma, Nana, baba, bye bye and she says "that" for things that she doesn't know what they are. She has really adapted so well to our family. It is a daily routine for my Dad to take her for long walks and then takes her to my Mom and Step Dads house to play there. I catch them everyday all three of them in the floor playing and laughing with her. Lauren is so lucky to have her grandparents that just adore and love her as those three do. She has gotten over a lot of the clingyness that she had a Vietnam. She actually can amuse herself and play with her toys without always needing to be held and carried around. Which has been so much better on my back. She loves bath time. She can be screaming and so unhappy but as soon as you turn on the water in her little ducky tub she gets so excited and starts squealing with delight. It is so cute the way her face lights up. In the last few weeks she has started to stand without holding on to anything or anyone. She gets about 10 to 20 seconds in before she falls on her bottom. Then she laughs and starts clapping. She now likes riding in her car seat. We don't have her in the rear facing like we should but she acts like she is being killed if she can't see me and watch out the window. It's a Britax car seat so it sits up high so she can check everything out. Below are some random pictures of her. I will try to post more often and not be such a bad blogger.


  1. Glad to hear sheis adjusting well. she's cute as a button!

  2. Glad she is doing so well. She is always!!!
