Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Baby

Well, we have pretty well figured out with talking to other parents that Lauren has got a little colic. Its something that was in the back of my mind but I didn't think that a 13 month old could get it. We have been giving her medicine called gripe water by Little Tummys. It has definitely done the trick about her sleeping. She has been a real chatterbox here lately. She is saying thank you, cup, Nana, and Tyler. She has also been giving the most sweetest kisses and hugs. It just melts my heart every time she gives me one of those. She is very loving and generous. She is always trying to give you some of her meals or snacks. She is also been growing. She is now sporting her very own little buddha belly and she is starting to stand on her own for longer periods of time. Her little legs have started to get some meat on them. Hopefully she will be walking soon. She is still very tiny but she is hopefully going to start to look like a 13 month old soon. Since talking to Angela, I think I have decided to get her ears pierced. Its something that I have been wanting to do for a while but my entire family had a conniption about it. I talked to my husband that is anti piercing and tattoos, and he said when have I ever denied you anything and told me to go on ahead. He is a very generous man that spoils me rotten. And let me just say that Lauren has got him wrapped around her little finger too. Here are some random pictures.


  1. glad she is sleeping better!! we figured out trey had an ear infection after his eardrum burst and now he is sleeping better again, too. :) Lauren may be small but she is cute! trey is tiny too. people always think he is much younger than he is. but i don't mind. it lets me keep a "little baby" longer.

  2. I know this post is a little old.... hint hint... :-), but did you get her ears pierced? I want pics!
