Saturday, May 2, 2009

More from Hanoi

I'm very sorry that I have not been up to date on this blog. So, from the beginning.....We actually didn't get Lauren until Tuesday. We were supposed to have our G&R on Monday but that didn't work out for me. Ended up there was another paperwork snafu. My passport had to be corrected in the beginning due to the fact that my birth month was not correct well....the orphanage put on all the paperwork my old passport number. So, here I am signing all the paperwork until they catch the fact that my passport number didn't match my paperwork. They deliberated back and forth and decided I would have to come back another day to finish my G&R. That also meant that I couldn't take Lauren with me that day. Needless to say I was shell shocked and upset. It was a very trying day but the very next day we were able to get her with no more problems.
Now...on to Lauren. She is a tiny, tiny little girl. She is in size 1 diapers and is wearing 0-3 months clothes and some 3-6 months. She has had some separation anxiety so she is very clingy and God forbid you to try and put her down. She will scream like a little banshee. She has bonded with me very well and with my Mom. She is getting better about the putting her down thing. She sleeps through the night and has about 2 to 3 naps per day. She is observant of her surroundings. She doesn't crack a smile when we go out shopping she just stares at everyone. She is ticklish on her feet and belly and will die laughing when tickled. She has 2 dimples, 2 top teeth, 2 bottom teeth, and 2 more that are coming in up top. She says Momma, bye bye, and hi and is so good natured about everything. We couldn't ask for a better baby. I love being here in Hanoi but I am missing home. I can't wait to see my husband, my boys, my dad, my sister, my step-dad, and my phone so that I can call my best friend and talk to her. Thanks for all the nice comments and well wishes. It is much appreciated.


  1. she is adorable!! i am so sorry you had to go through that at the g&R! i couldn't imagine! but now it is all better and you have your daughter!! enjoy. oh and it is normal for them to not want to be put down...most of the time their nannies spoiled them and carried them everywhere.

  2. I am SO happy for you!! She is so beautiful! Sienna was tiny like that and all the clothes we had brought were HUGE on her! We ended up having to buy new clothes when we got home just so she didn't look engulfed in clothing. I wish you all the best for the rest of your trip and can't wait to follow along!

  3. Lauren is absolutely beautiful and her eyes and smile I'm sure melts your heart. :) We completely understand your frustration. We received our daughter but had to wait 4 days for the G&R. It was unnerving knowing we were bonding with her and it wasn't final yet. Thankfully it was all taken care of. I'm praying for you. I know it's hard to leave home and I can imagine what it's like to leave your husband and kids behind. I agree with the Webb family that it is very normal for her not to want to be put down. We still go through that occasionally now after 4 months of having her home with us. I wish you the best and may your travels home be uneventful. I can't wait to see more pictures of you and your family. Blessings!
